End your equalization troubles! My expert pro-guide provides proven techniques & tips to allow easy and reliable diving descents!
Read MoreEqualization Made Easy: Pro Tips & Techniques for Great Diving
Expert advice for diving ear care. Know the important differences between ear infection, waterlogged ears & muffled hearing after diving!
Read MoreTen Essential Tips For Muffled Hearing After Diving | Ear Care For Divers
The effect of micro bubbles when scuba diving. Sub-clinical DCS may not merit a medical emergency, but should be understood and respected.
Read MoreMicro-Bubbles When Scuba Diving: Mild Bends And Sub-Clinical DCS
DCS and the Immune System. How bubbles trigger an immune response that can make or break your body's fight against decompression sickness.
Read MoreDCS and the Immune System
Don't get gas mugged - The role of situational awareness in predicting and avoiding stressful air-sharing emergencies in scuba diving
Read MoreA Buddy System Strategy for Air-Sharing Diving Emergencies
Decompression sickness types and symptoms. Medical catagorizations of DCS, along with sub-clinical DCS, aka decompression stress.
Read MoreTypes of Decompression Sickness (DCS)
Sub-clinical DCS, decompression stress and post-dive fatigue. The impact of microbubbles on diver vitality and health.
Read MoreDecompression Stress: Post-Dive Fatigue and Subclinical DCS
There are three governing factors which determine how deep can you dive using air. Understanding those factors promotes safe gas selection.
Read MoreHow Deep Can You Dive Using Air?
A re-published article discussing Sheck Exley's 'Razor' and the consideration of limits for overhead environment and technical divers.
Read MoreSheck Exley’s Razor – The Nature of Diving Limits
The Complement System and Diving by Dr. Ernest Campbell. The role of the immune response in sub-clinical DCS & decompression stress issues.
Read MoreThe Complement System When Diving: DCS And Immune Response
Learn a step-by-step process for risk assessment in scuba diving and why it is vital to ensure your safety as a scuba diver!
Read MoreRisk Assessment in Scuba Diving: The Key Steps To Safer Dives
Recreational diving limits become increasingly blurred with technical diving. Why are limits required & how do divers need to consider them?
Read MoreRecreational Diving Limits: Assessing The Grey Area Versus Technical Diving
Deep diving risks are badly educated on many dive courses. This article is a comprehensive guide to the hazards of deeper recreational diving.
Read MoreWhat are the Risks of Deep Diving?
Assessing critical learning points to help promote increased dive safety. In January 2020, Christine Gauci, a 35-year old technical diver tragically perished in a scuba diving accident in Malta.
Read MoreDiving Accident Analysis: Christine Gauci Fatality | Malta 2020
The psychology of diving overconfidence exposed. Learn how you are predisposed to overestimating your ability & how that lowers your safety.
Read MoreOverconfidence in Scuba Diving: The Psychology of Diver Hubris
Learn how heuristic thinking harms scuba diving risk management. Read this to safeguard against cognitive biases for safe & successful dives!
Read MoreScuba Diving Risk Management: Heuristics And Dive Safety
Diving experience isn't the path to mastery. Read this to learn what is really necessary to develop expertise as a scuba diver!
Read MoreExperience is overrated. Diving ability matters!
Discover the key to safer diving: situational awareness. How can poor training diminish it? And what steps can you take to improve it?
Read MoreSituational Awareness: The Most Neglected Diving Safety Skill
Unexplained DCS hits can leave divers puzzled. Dive into the facts and myths of undeserved bends to understand and mitigate your DCI risks.
Read MoreUndeserved Bends: The Facts and the Myths of Unexplained DCS Hits
The impact of Dunning-Kruger Effect in scuba diving risk assessment. Dive into the psychology of over-confidence & flawed diver judgment.
Read MoreThe Dunning-Kruger Effect and Risk Judgment in Scuba Diving
A realistic examination of scuba diving stress management. What does it REALLY take for a diver to overcome panic when a dive goes wrong?
Read MoreDiving Stress Management: Scuba Diver Panic & Anxiety
What every scuba diver should know about PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) and DCS risk. Is your heart putting you at risk?
Read MorePFO – Patent Foramen Ovale and DCS Risk in Diving
Did you know that scuba diving anxiety can arise from CO2 narcosis? Learn why descent speed, gas density & exertion can affect your dives!
Read MoreScuba Diving Anxiety & CO2 Narcosis
This article has everything that you were never taught about scuba diving descent speed! What effects and issues does the descent rate have?
Read MoreScuba Diving Descent Speed: What You Need to Know!
A guide to Cutaneous Decompression Sickness, aka skin bends, that result from inadeqate deco, fast ascent, or PFO issues when diving.
Read MoreSkin Bends: A Guide to Cutaneous Decompression Sickness
A guide to understanding Inner-Ear Decompression Sickness, aka IEDCS or verstibular bends, that result from IBCD or PFO issues when diving.
Read MoreUnderstanding Inner-Ear Decompression Sickness (IEDCS) for Divers
Richard Pyle's educational account of his experience with decompression sickness, treatment & the recovery. A valuable read for divers.
Read MoreDecompression Sickness Treatment & Recovery
The important distinctions between safety stops & decompression stops in scuba diving. Understanding no-stop limits versus mandatory deco.
Read MoreWhat is the difference between a safety stop and a decompression stop in scuba diving?
Understand the potential risks of scuba diving and how to minimize them. Learn about the most common dangers and how to stay safe.
Read MoreThe Risks of Scuba Diving: Understanding the Hidden Dangers Underwater
Discover how gas density influences diving safety. Learn about the latest research, risks to divers, & recommended limits for safe dives!
Read MoreGas Density in Diving: Research, Risks & Recommendations
Are you underestimating your dive emergency SAC rates? Studies reveal far higher gas consumption than you'd expected!
Read MoreThe Truth About Diving Emergency SAC Rates
Learn the risks of immersion pulmonary edema (IPE) & understand its impact on divers. Understand the issues of this emerging diving concern!
Read MoreImmersion Pulmonary Edema in Scuba Diving: Understanding The IPE Risk
A bad dive buddy is stressful & dangerous. Follow this advice to develop a harmonious buddy system and boost your diving safety & enjoyment!
Read MoreBad Dive Buddy | How To Create A Safer Buddy System Dive Team
Stay hydrated, stay safe:how to prevent dehydration and DCS in diving. Explore the impact of fluid balance on decompression illness.
Read MoreScuba Diving, Dehydration and DCS
Uncover the psychology behind how failures in self-discipline occur when scuba diving. Learn about Ego Depletion & how it affects you.
Read MoreScuba Diving and Self-Discipline Failures
Is solo diving right for you? Explore the safety considerations. preparation & personal factors needed self-reliant underwater explorations.
Read MoreIs Solo Diving Safe?
Buddy Separation. An effective diving safety procedure that will minimize the chance of buddy separation and missing divers underwater.
Read MoreScuba Diving Buddy Separation Safety Protocols